
[engagement: Mark & Janeen]

I was scared I was going to be late.  And I HATE being late ... but that blasted light was only letting 2 or 3 cars through at a time.  So I called.   "I'm so sorry - the traffic's just not moving .... "

Janeen laughed, "No problem ... we're just getting there ourselves."

And wouldn't you know it ... BANG on time.  Take that, Mr. Light *grin*.

We met at Crescent Beach ... glorious, perfect, Crescent Beach.  The evening was cool, the feeling was calm ... and as we walked and caught up on their wedding plans, Mark and Janeen were obviously a little nervous about our shoot ... 

It's pretty common for a couple to feel nervous ... I mean, how many times in your life is there a camera capturing your every moment?  Which is why it's SUCH a great thing to have an engagement shoot ... and it didn't take long for Mark and Janeen to forget about me, and just enjoy being with each other.

I am so excited about this wedding ... it's going to be full of culture with a very traditional Catholic ceremony.   Mark's family is Filipino, so there will certainly  be some fantastic flavour added in.  So, with so much going on,  I'm a little concerned with how many pics I'm going to end up taking *wink* ... NOT.

And besides ... look how cute they are!!  Taking pics isn't going to be hard ...

Mark is studying to be an engineer and Janeen works as an elementary school teacher.  Both of them are so smart, so articulate ... but what I saw the most was how kind they were to each other.  And how they spoke to each other, and smiled at each other ... even with Mark wondering if this photoshoot would ever end *grin*.

... there was a train.  But it was an express ... smallest, fastest train ever.  And we pretty much almost got ourselves killed *GRIN*.  

Mark, Janeen ... you guys are more than great.  I am so thankful to have your wedding date to look forward too ...  and with a December wedding, I'm glad that we were able to get some sunny pics at the beach *grin* for this shoot ... 

You make an incredible team, and your lives have so much to look forward to.  Here's to an amazing wedding day ... see you in December ... hopefully without umbrellas *grin*!!


  1. Tawn, these are GREAT! I have lots of favorites from this batch of photos! :)

  2. Thanks for the Great Photos!
    Janeens Dad
